Name of University |
Bond University |
Central Queensland University |
Charles Sturt University - Study Group |
Deakin University |
University of Newcastle |
Edith Cowan University |
La Trobe University |
Southern Cross University |
University of Southern Queensland |
University of Ballarat (MIT) |
Holmes Institute |
"Curtin College, Curtin Sydney, Eynesbury, MIBT, PIBT, QIBT, SAIBT,
SIBT(navitas)" |
ACN , La trobe Melbourne ( navitas) |
Taylor's College-Studygroup |
University of Syndey Foundation- Studygroup |
University of Western Austraila - Studygroup |
Victorian Certificate of Education- Studygroup |
Western Australia Education Certificate- Studygroup |
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) |
Lincoln University |
Massey University |
University of Auckland |
University of Canterbury |
University of Otago |
University of Waikato |
Victoria University of Wellington |
Waikato Institute of Technology (WINTEC) |
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic |
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology |
Eastern Institute of Technology |
Manukau Institute of Technology |
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) |
Northland Polytechnic (NorthTec) |
Otago Polytechnic |
Southern Institute of Technology |
Tai Poutini Polytechnic |
Whitireia Community Polytechnic |
Waiariki Institute of Technology Rotorua |
Wellington Institute of Technology |
UNITEC Institute of Technology |
UCOL Wanganui |
Universal College of Learning |
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki |